THEA 111  - Theatre and Society  (3 Credits)  

A course that explores the various aspects of production and the role theatre plays as an art form in society.

THEA 112  - Principles of Acting  (3 Credits)  

A performance course focusing on basic skills, concepts, and methods of modern realistic acting through improvisation and practical exercises leading to formal scene work.

THEA 113  - Principles of Theatre Design  (3 Credits)  

A study of design elements and composition principles as they relate to stage scenery, costumes, and lighting. A survey of contemporary theatre design.

THEA 131  - Technical Production  (4 Credits)  

Theories and techniques of designing, building, painting, and lighting stage settings; organization and operation of production crews. Laboratory.

THEA 132  - Technical Production  (4 Credits)  

Theories and techniques of designing, building, painting, and lighting stage settings; organization and operation of production crews. Laboratory.

THEA 211A  - Dramatic Literature   (3 Credits)  

The reading and discussion of selected plays and of theatrical developments as an introduction to the theatre.

THEA 212A  - Dramatic Literature   (3 Credits)  

The reading and discussion of selected plays and of theatrical developments as an introduction to the theatre.

THEA 218  - Voice and Body Movement  (4 Credits)  

Voice and body training to improve vocal quality, articulation, and posture and carriage.

THEA 240  - Stage Makeup   (3 Credits)  

Techniques and styles of stage makeup for theatre and dance.

THEA 242  - Costume Construction  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the principles of pattern development and clothing construction techniques. Projects will include contemporary and period styles. Students will work on costumes for departmental productions. Laboratory.

THEA 250  - Fashion History  (3 Credits)  

A survey of clothing, hair styles, and accessories from the ancient world to the present, with particular emphasis on the relationship of fashion to social, political, and economic history.

THEA 251  - Fashion History  (3 Credits)  

A survey of clothing, hair styles, and accessories from the ancient world to the present, with particular emphasis on the relationship of fashion to social, political, and economic history.

THEA 270  - Special Studies in Theatre  (3 Credits)  

Concentration in a single area of theatre for general students. Topics vary from year to year.

THEA 271  - Special Studies in Theatre  (3 Credits)  

Special Studies in Theatre for general students. Topics vary from year to year.

THEA 280  - Stage Management   (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the theory and practice of stage management for the theatre.

THEA 281  - Principles of Arts Administration  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to current theory and practices of arts administration.

THEA 290  - Scene Painting   (3 Credits)  

An examination of the technique and practical applications of painting for the stage.

THEA 318  - Stage Dialects  (3 Credits)  

A survey of the basic techniques for learning and applying selected stage dialects.

THEA 321  - Acting I  (4 Credits)  

Scene study and performance, creating characters, and ensemble training.

THEA 322  - Acting II  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: THEA 321. Scene study and performance, creating characters, and ensemble training.

THEA 331  - Playwriting   (3 Credits)  

Writing for the stage. Exercises and practice in the structure of action, character development, dialogue, critical analysis.

THEA 335  - Musical Theatre Performance  (3 Credits)  

A workshop course in musical theatre performance techniques. A maximum of six credits may count toward degree requirements.

THEA 336  - Musical Theatre Performance  (3 Credits)  

A workshop course in musical theatre techniques. A maximum of six credits may count toward degree requirements.

THEA 345  - Patterning  (3 Credits)  

Principles of pattern development including flat patterning, drafting and draping used for making stage costumes as well as those in related genres including fashion, cosplay, historical recreations, dance, and film.

THEA 355  - Theatre Crafts  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: THEA 131. Exploration of the specialized vocabulary, techniques and tools of the theatre artison including furniture restoration, welding, upholstery soft goods and properties creation.

THEA 361  - Theatre History and Literature  (3 Credits)  

Theatres, production methods, dramatic conventions, theory/criticism, and key figures from the Greek period to the present in a global context.

THEA 362  - Theatre History and Literature  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: THEA 361. Theatres, production methods, dramatic conventions, theory/criticism, and key figures from the Greek period to the present in a global context.

THEA 371  - Stage Combat  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of the practical depiction of unarmed violence on stage through applied acting technique that explores character, story, and audience.

THEA 372  - Rapier and Dagger  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of the practical depiction of the use of rapier and dagger violence on stage through applied acting technique that explores character, story, and audience.

THEA 390  - Theatre Practicum   (1 Credits)  

Theatre Practicum earns credit for performance or other work on major productions of the department. A maximum of eight credits may count toward degree requirements.

THEA 400  - Professional Identity and Practice  (1 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Declared theatre major, arts administration minor, or musical theatre minor. Through a combination of research, discussion, and applied practice, students will develop strategies for creating a challenging and successful career.

THEA 411  - Acting Styles  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: THEA 322. An examination of period style for the stage through scene study and performance.

THEA 431  - Directing I  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: THEA 321. Technique and practice of directing for the stage.

THEA 432  - Directing II  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: THEA 431. Technique and practice of directing for the stage.

THEA 433  - Lighting Design  (3 Credits)  

Theories and techniques of lighting stage productions; lighting instruments and equipment.

THEA 434  - Scene Design  (3 Credits)  

A study of the theories, methods, and techniques used in scenic design.

THEA 435  - Ideas in Performance  (3 Credits)  

An examination of professional productions of the dramatic literature in Washington and New York. Readings and theatre trips. Permisson of instructor.

THEA 436  - Costume Design  (3 Credits)  

A study of the theories, methods, and techniques used in costume and clothing design.

THEA 451  - Special Studies in Theatre  (3 Credits)  

Concentration on a single area of dramatic arts. Topics vary from year to year.

THEA 452  - Special Studies in Theatre  (3 Credits)  

Concentration on a single area of dramatic arts. Topics vary from year to year.

THEA 481  - Resource Strategies in Arts Administration  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: THEA 281. Approaches to understanding and developing critical needs for arts organization through case study, analysis, and critical problem solving.

THEA 482  - Senior Project  (3 Credits)  

This course may only be taken in one of the last two semesters. An independent project in Theatre supervised by the student's advisor.

THEA 491  - Individual Study   (1-3 Credits)  

Individual study under the direction of a member of the department. By permission of the department.

THEA 492  - Individual Study   (1-3 Credits)  

Individual study under the direction of a member of the department. By permission of the department.

THEA 499  - Internship   (1-12 Credits)  

Supervised off-campus experience, developed in consultation with the department.