PSCI 101A  - Introduction to Political Science  (3 Credits)  

Survey of the basic concepts and theories of political science, including comparative analysis of political institutions and ideologies.

PSCI 102A  - Introduction to International Relations  (3 Credits)  

Survey of major issues in international politics and foreign affairs, with emphasis on global awareness of states, regions, and politics in the international system.

PSCI 201  - American Government  (3 Credits)  

Principles of Political Science as applied to American national government. PSCI 101A - PSCI 102A is a prerequisite to all Political Science courses except PSCI 201. Students may take PSCI 201 before or with PSCI 101A and/or PSCI 102A.

PSCI 202A  - American Public Policy  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. A study of selected issues in public policy, including those related to the economy, health care, poverty, education, and the environment.

PSCI 301B  - Comparative Government of Western Europe  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Comparative analysis of the governments of the United Kingdom, France, and Germany.

PSCI 302C  - The Politics of Soviet Successor States  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. A comparative analysis of politics in Soviet successor states and the legacy bequeathed to them by communist rule in the U.S.S.R.

PSCI 304  - Contemporary American Politics  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. In-depth analysis of selected problems in contemporary American politics.

PSCI 306  - US Constitutional Reform  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. This course assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the existing Constitution and considers possible amendments to the Constitution in response to contemporary American political values and conditions. Students who have not yet taken PSCI 201 should consider doing so before taking this course.

PSCI 311A  - Congress and the Political Process  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Analysis of the contemporary role of Congress in its relation to the Presidency, the federal bureaucracy, and pressure groups.

PSCI 312A  - The American Presidency  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Analysis of the modern Presidency and its role in the American political system.

PSCI 313  - U.S. Federal Judiciary  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Analysis of the federal judiciary and its role in the American political system.

PSCI 315  - Alliance Politics  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. The study of the origins, management, and consequences of alliances.

PSCI 321A  - Theories of International Relations  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Analysis of major theories of international relations. Topics include war, peace, international security, political economy, and global institutions such as the United Nations system.

PSCI 323  - Latin American Politics  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Comparative analysis of politics in Latin America, including historical precedents and contemporary systems in several of the region's countries.

PSCI 324  - U.S. - Latin American Relations  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Study of US foreign policy towards Latin America, including its major historical developments and contemporary challenges.

PSCI 333  - U.S. Public Opinion  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. The study of political behavior in the U.S. federal system.

PSCI 334A  - Political Parties and Elections in America  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Structure and function of political parties; conduct of elections; pressure groups.

PSCI 350B  - Politics of Developing Countries  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Analysis of major issues and theories of political development in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, including political modernization and decay, civil society, and North-South relations.

PSCI 351  - International Political Economy  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Analyzes the interplay of politics and economics in international economic relations. Focuses on contemporary debates over issues such as trade and monetary relations, foreign investment, foreign aid and debt, economic development and globalization.

PSCI 353  - Indian Foreign Policy  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Analysis of Indian foreign policy in the post-Cold War era. Emphasis on challenges India faces in security and economic issue areas.

PSCI 354A  - Politics of South Asia  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Study of political life in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.

PSCI 355  - Politics of the Middle East and North Africa  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Study of politics in Iran, Israel, Turkey, and the Arab World. Featured topics may include Islam and politics, nationalism and the impact of Westernization, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and politics in the Persian Gulf.

PSCI 356  - American Foreign Policy  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Problems facing the United States in its search for national security and international stability.

PSCI 357A  - Russian Foreign Policy  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Analysis of the foreign policy of post-communist Russia.

PSCI 360  - Theory and Practice of Revolution  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Comparative analysis of theories of revolution and case studies of selected revolutions.

PSCI 362  - The Politics of Central and Eastern Europe  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Study of political life under both communist and post-communist rule in Bulgaria, the Czech and Slovak Republics, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the former Yugoslavia.

PSCI 363  - Mass Media Politics  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Study of the role of the mass media in shaping political attitudes and events.

PSCI 366  - Government and Politics of China  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. The Study of political and economic development of the People's Republic of China from both historical and conceptual perspectives, including discussion of political and economic reform since 1978, rising differentiation within Chinese society, human rights, and prospects for democracy in China.

PSCI 367  - East Asia in World Affairs  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. The role of East Asian countries in international affairs. Special emphasis is placed on the examination of the foreign policies of China and Japan, the development of Greater China, tension on the Korean Peninsula, and cooperation and conflict in the Pacific Rim over national security, trade issues, and human rights.

PSCI 368  - Government and Politics of Japan  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. The study of the political and economic environment of Japan from both historic and thematic overview of political development in contemporary Japan, including discussion of Japanese pre- and postwar politics, political parties, government institutions and policy making, and economy.

PSCI 370  - Gender and Politics  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Provides an overview of the major debates concerning women and politics. The first section of the course examines the historical evolution of women's participation in American politics from the fight for suffrage through the modern feminist movement. The second part of the course analyzes the experience of women as voters, candidates, and officeholders. Finally, students will evaluate the impact of specific public policies on women. The policy areas investigated will include abortion, welfare, child care, education, and employment issues.

PSCI 372  - Gender and Development  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. The course examines the domestic and international political forces that shape women’s access to education, healthcare, work, freedom from violence and other development-related resources, particularly in the developing world. It analyzes the impact of public policies on women’s lives and the latter’s ability to influence the political process.

PSCI 375  - Gender and Public Policy  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A or permission of instructor. This course considers how gender structures the political and policy space in the United States. It examines women’s status as individuals, partisans, partners, and caregivers, and other relevant identities in such areas as education, employment, and health and well-being.

PSCI 380  - Race & Ethnicity in U.S. Politics  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. This course examines the U.S. political system through the lens of race and ethnicity.

PSCI 382  - International Human Rights  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. The objective of this course is to understand who violates human rights, why human rights are violated, and what factors contribute to reducing human rights violations. The course introduces new theories to help students discuss questions related to human rights violations.

PSCI 387  - Security and Conflict Studies  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Analysis of contemporary security and conflict challenges (e.g., proliferation of weapons of Mass Destruction) with an emphasis on frameworks for choosing best policies to address these challenges.

PSCI 391  - Research and Writing in Political Science  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Principles of research and writing techniques for political science.

PSCI 422  - American Civil Liberties  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Intensive analysis of civil liberties in the United States, based primarily upon decisions of the Supreme Court.

PSCI 441  - History of Political Thought I  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Examination of the contributions of the great political theorists from Plato to Burke.

PSCI 442A  - History Political Thought II  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Examination of contributions of modern political philosophers.

PSCI 450  - US Political Film  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. An examination of the political meaning and implications of influential American films, paying particular attention to the changing political and cultural messages found in films from different decades.

PSCI 471  - Political Science Seminar  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Intensive reading and group discussion of selected topics in political science.

PSCI 491  - Individual Study in Political Science  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Directed individual research on approved problems in political science.

PSCI 499  - Internship  (1-12 Credits)  

Prerequisites: PSCI 101A and PSCI 102A. Supervised off-campus experience, developed in consultation with the department. Up to 3 credits can be applied to the major.