PHIL 101  - Introduction to Philosophy  (3 Credits)  

A historical introduction to Western civilization's philosophical heritage from Plato to contemporary philosophical movements.

PHIL 110  - Introduction to Law  (3 Credits)  

This course provides a basic understanding of the U.S. legal system. The focus includes essential history and the working structure of the government, procedural issues in the courts, specific concepts of basic categories of law such as contract law and property, the distinctive characteristics of criminal law and procedure, brief writing, the roles of various legal professionals, and the effect of legal ethics on the practice of law.

PHIL 151B  - Introductory Logic   (3 Credits)  

Basic principles of analytical reasoning and the appraisal of arguments. Among the topics covered are symbolic language, translation, and methods of formal proof including propositional calculus and first order predicate calculus.

PHIL 160  - Introduction to Ethics  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to ethical theory and a consideration of the central questions about the nature of duty, now one makes decisions about what is morally right and morally wrong, ideas about the good life and the good person, how we come to evaluate our own and other's action, and the relationship of the ethical to other ideas including religious, political, and social values. Course readings draw from the classical historical theorists as well as some contemporary sources; discussions of the readings occur in the context of some specific ethical problems and dilemmas.

PHIL 201  - Ancient Greek Philosophy  (3 Credits)  

Selected works by ancient Greek philosophers, including the presocratics, Plato, and Aristotle.

PHIL 202  - Early Modern Philosophy   (3 Credits)  

Rationalism and Empiricism. Selected works by such modern philosophers as Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Leibniz, and Berkeley.

PHIL 210  - Social and Political Philosophy  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to classical- modern- and contemporar y social and political theories as well as issues in a global context.

PHIL 212  - Aesthetics  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the philosophical examination of art and consideration of central questions about the nature of art, the aesthetic experience, principles for evaluating works of art, and the relationship of the aesthetic to other values. Readings cover the major theorists in the history of philosophy as well as current theory and issues about art. Discussions will make reference to a wide range of specific works of visual art, film, performing arts, literature, etc. In addition to the foundational questions about the nature and value of art, we will also consider the meaning and interpretation of art, and the relevance of political, social, gender, race, religious, and other cultural contexts for art.

PHIL 220  - Introduction to Feminism  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to feminism as a philosophical movement of the 20th century. Study of historical predecessors (Mill, Marx, deBeauvoir), the dominant theoretical orientations (liberal, radical, psychoanalytic, standpoint, postmodern), and implications of this movement for philosophy and other disciplines.

PHIL 225  - Practical Ethics  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to philosophical examination of contermporary moral issues. At the discretion of the instructor, topics might include the death penalty, euthanasia, hate speech regulation, pornography, animal welfare, or human cloning.

PHIL 226  - Medical Ethics  (3 Credits)  

Central ethical isues in clinical medicine. Topics might include the physician-patinet relationship, informed consent and competency, reproductive technology, distribution of scarce medical resources, organ donation, and experimental medicine.

PHIL 231  - Topics in Philosophy  (1-3 Credits)  

Selected topics outside of regular course offerings.

PHIL 244A  - Philosophy of Science  (3 Credits)  

An examination of the philosophical issues raised and illustrated in both scientific theory and practice.

PHIL 251  - Philosophy and Technology  (3 Credits)  

In this course, while reading and examining theories of technology, we also engage with technology to think through some of the problems and opportunities of technology, the assumptions and implications of technology, and the larger purposes and goals embedded in technology.

PHIL 260  - Freud's Greatest Hits  (3 Credits)  

A guided tour through Sigmund Freud's most influential and important texts, on dreams, sexuality, the unconscious, slips, religion, and morality. Attention to Freud's life, the impact of his ideas, and critical assessment of his theories and assumptions. Formally taught as Phil 405.

PHIL 275  - Mock Trial Practicum  (3 Credits)  

Credit for satisfactory work on the University's mock trial team and course assignments. Introduces students to legal research, briefing, and procedure. Enrollment by permission of department and instructor. A maximum of six credits may count toward degree requirements. Does not count in the major program. Offered as pass/fail only. Repeatable with maximum of six credits towards degree total. Does not count in the major.

PHIL 283  - Hinduism  (3 Credits)  

This course explores the diverse beliefs, rituals, and literatures of Indian religion that constitute Hinduism, the historical progression of their development, and their current expressions throughout the world. Cross-listed with RELG 283.

PHIL 284  - Buddhism   (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the thought and traditions of Buddhism. Readings from the Dhammapada as well as from various Theravada and Mahaya schools.

PHIL 301  - Medieval Philosophy  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PHIL 201. A survey of philosophical thought in the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions.

PHIL 302  - Hume And Kant  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PHIL 202. A study of the major works and influence of Hume and Kant.

PHIL 303  - Hegel, Marx, and Nietzsche  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PHIL 202. A study of European philosophical developments of the 19th century.

PHIL 306  - Advanced Logic  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PHIL 151B or six credits in mathematics. Theory of formal systems; applied criteria of consistency- completeness- and quantification; other topics in symbolic logic.

PHIL 307  - Philosophy of Language  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PHIL 151B or PHIL 202. Introduction to the study of semantics, syntax, and pragmatics from a philosophical standpoint, including some central writings of Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Quine and others.

PHIL 310  - Plato  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PHIL 201. Close study of selected works by Plato and scholarship on Plato.

PHIL 318  - Philosophy of Religion  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: At least one course in Philosophy or permission of the instructor. Philosophical examination of such topics as the relationship between faith and reason- the existence and non-existence of god, life after death, mysticism, and miracles. Cross-listed with RELG 318.

PHIL 320  - Philosophy of Law I  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: At least one course in Philosophy or permission of the instructor. Central issues in philosophy of law, including theory of law, constitutional interpretation, First Amendment protections, and race and gender in the law. PHIL 320 and PHIL 325 may be taken in either order.

PHIL 325  - Philosophy of Law II  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: At least one course in Philosophy or permission of the instructor. An exploration and analysis of issues in criminal and tort law: responsibility and punishment, causation and liability, acts and omissions, justifications and excuses, and the duty to rescue.PHIL 320 and PHIL 325 may be taken in either order.

PHIL 330  - Environmental Ethics  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: At least one course in Philosophy or permission of the instructor. A philosophical investigation of topics such as individualistic and holistic ethics, anthropocentrism and ecocentrism, wilderness and sustainability, ecofeminism, and environmental justice.

PHIL 331  - Topics in Philosophy  (3 Credits)  

Selected topics outside of regular course offerings.

PHIL 335  - Ethical Theory  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: At least one course in Philosophy or permission of the instructor. An in-depth study of moral theory. Topics might include relativism, utilitarianism, deontology, virtue theory, care ethics, egoism, and moral pluralism.

PHIL 342  - Phenomenology  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: At least one course in Philosophy or permission of the instructor. The basic concepts and arguments of both transcendental and existential phenomenology- from central works of Husserl and Heidegger.

PHIL 343  - Existentialism  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: At least one course in Philosophy or permission of the instructor. Critical study of major works of Heidegger, deBeauvoir, and Sartre.

PHIL 344  - Critical Theory  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PHIL 202. Study of key figures in the Frankfurt School tradition of Critical Theory including Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, Habermas, Honneth, Fraser, and others.

PHIL 353  - Islamic Philosophy and Theology  (3 Credits)  

Central themes and topics in the Islamic theological and philosophical tradition will be discussed in some detail. Such topics include the existence of God, free will and determinism, eschatology, ontology and epistemology. References will be made between major Islamic philosophers and their medieval Christian counterparts. Cross-listed with RELG 353.

PHIL 383  - Yoga in Theory, History, and Contemporary Society  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites for courses above 300: at least one course in Philosophy or Permission of the instructor. Critically explores the long history and diverse beliefs, practices, rituals and literatures of the religions that constitute Yoga, especially their theories of the body, mind and transcendence, as well as their popular expressions through the contemporary world.

PHIL 425  - Philosophy Tutoring Practicum  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Advanced students in philosophy serve as tutors in introductory level philosophy classes, assisting others in preparing for exams and projects, organizing small-group work, and reviewing writing assigments. Repeatable for a different course.

PHIL 430  - Seminar: Ethics, Environment, & Sustainability  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: At least one course in Philosophy or permission of the instructor. Explores philosophical questions in ethics related to the environment and sustainability. Selected topics might include the moral considerability of organisms and ecosystems, wilderness, species and habitat protection, human population and consumption, climate change, or environmental justice.

PHIL 440  - Studies in Asian and Comparative Philosophy  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PHIL 283 / RELG 283 or PHIL 284 / RELG 284. Studies in a topic within Asian philosophical traditions.

PHIL 450  - Seminar in Twentieth Century Philosophy  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: PHIL 202. Intensive examination of a selected author, problem or movement of the 20th century.

PHIL 481  - Readings in Philosophy  (3 Credits)  

Discussion of philosophical literature in a field selected by the philosophy faculty after consultaion with students.

PHIL 485  - Research in Philosophy  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Senior standing and major in Philosophy or Philosophy: Pre-Law Concentration. Capstone course required of all senior Philosophy majors; preparation of a senior thesis under supervision of the Philosophy faculty. Successful completion and defense, with GPA of 3.5 in the major, required for graduation with Honors in Philosophy.

PHIL 491  - Individual Study  (1-3 Credits)  

Independent work under the supervision of a memeber of the Philosophy faculty. Must have permisson of instructor and department chair.

PHIL 492  - Individual Study  (1-3 Credits)  

Independent work uknder the supervison of a member of the Philosophy faculty. Must have permission of instructor and department chair.

PHIL 499  - Internship   (1-12 Credits)  

Supervised off-campus experience, developed in consultation with the philosophy faculty.