MGMT 301  - Principles of Management  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: BUAD 105 or BLAW 201 or PSYC 100. An integrative approach to organizational concepts, principles, philosophy, and theory in public, private, and not-for-profit organizations is emphasized. Current decision-making approaches utilizing theories of organizational behavior, general systems and contingency theories are linked to the managerial functions of planning, organizing, leadership, and control.

MGMT 302  - Foundations of Entrepreneurship  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: BUAD 105 or BLAW 201 or PSYC 100. Introduces the entrepreneurial process including a focus on the identification and evaluation of opportunities. Discusses the importance of innovation, creating a business concept and business models. Develop business ideas and evaluate them for potential formation of a new venture.

MGMT 345  - Organizational Behavior  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: MGMT 301 or equivalent; and College of Business major or permission of the Associate Dean for Faculty. This course explores the behavioral aspects of organizations, presenting concepts, theories, research and research techniques that can be applied to enhance understanding of people in organizations. Topics included are personnel selection and placement, job and work environments, worker motivation, job satisfaction, and the organizational and social context of human work. Cross-listed with PSYC 385.

MGMT 346  - Human Resource Management  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: MGMT 301 or equivalent; and business administration major or permission of the Associate Dean for Faculty. The philosophy, principles, and policies needed to develop effective personnel management and industrial relations programs in business, governmental, and not for-profit organizations are developed and discussed. Cross-listed with PSYC 386.

MGMT 347  - Organizational Development and Change  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Business administration major and MGMT 301 or equivalent; or permission of the Associate Dean for Faculty. This course develops a system-wide application of behavioral science methods, theories, and accumulated knowledge to the change and reinforcement of organizational strategies, structures, and processes for improving organizational effectiveness. Cross-listed with PSYC 387.

MGMT 360  - Management and Films  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: MGMT 301. This course examines films as sources of information about management and organizational behavior. These films will be critically analyzed for their perspectives, theoretical lenses, biases, reliability and validity, and approaches to management and OB. We will examine how specific characters engage in both successful and unsuccessful managerial behaviors, understand how the organizational environment plays a role in these behaviors, and examine interactions between characters to better understand important employee outcomes (e.g., commitment, motivation, performance). This course is a discussion-based, student-led class. To be successful, students should be prepared to lead and actively participate in discussions during each class period.

MGMT 421  - Entrepreneurial Venture Creation  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: ACCT 101; ECON 202B; and College of Business major or minor or permission of the Associate Dean for Faculty. This course introduces entrepreneurship to students as creating something new that adds value to others. Entrepreneurial Venture Creation focuses on the knowledge, skills, and processes required to create a plan for starting a new business. Cross listed as MKTG 421.

MGMT 425  - Leadership Theory and Practice  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: MGMT 301 or equivalent; and College of Business major or permission of the Associate Dean for Faculty. This course involves study of contemporary leadership theory, with emphasis on practical application of those theories. Characteristics of effective leaders, contemporary leadership models, strategic leadership, ethics, power, politics, influence tactics, teamwork, motivation and coaching skills, creativity and innovation, communication, and conflict resolution, are discussed. Students have the opportunity to explore personal leadership styles, learn how to modify them, how to apply them effectively in their work, and write a personal vision statement. Experiential exercises, cases, and other strategies are applied to enhance learning theory and acquire, enhance, and integrate leadership skills related to leading contemporary work organizations.

MGMT 440  - Introduction to Project Management  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: MGMT 301 or equivalent; and College of Business major or permission of the Associate Dean for Faculty. This course provides a comprehensive overview of project management. The course addresses the framework, culture, principles, and basic techniques of project management. The course reviews the general stages of a project and describes how the stages interrelate. Basic tools of project management, such as work breakdown structure, scheduling, earned value analysis, and risk management are introduced and used in student assignments. The elements of project management critical to the success of a project are also identified and explained.

MGMT 460  - Creative Thinking for Managers  (3 Credits)  

The course’s objective is to develop an understanding of the role of creativity and critical thinking in management. Management is decision making and most non -routine decisions rely on incomplete information and require novel, cogent, and compelling decisions. This course will help to temper the theoretical education of future managers.

MGMT 490  - Strategic Management  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: BLAW 201, BUAD 350, FINC 301, MGMT 301, MKTG 301; and Business Administration major or permission of the Associate Dean for Faculty. A capstone course designed to integrate the student’s study of management. Advanced case studies and simulations prove a series of integrating experiences where students assume the role of the chief executive officer in a variety of organizational sectors (private, public, not-for-profit). Students are required to make managerial decisions concerning formulation of policy, strategy and tactics along with ethical considerations in organizations’ multifaceted relationships with the external environment.