LRSP 311  - The Management Process  (3 Credits)  

This course examines management theory and practice as unified body of knowledge. The course covers historical development of management theory, the nature and purpose of organizations, and the functions, strategies, structures, and a sampling of challenges facing management in contemporary organizations. Emphasis is placed on the roles of executives managing organizations, improving their performance, and achieving desired operating results. Experiential exercises, cases, and other strategies are applied to enhance learning the theory, and acquire, enhance, and integrate key management skills related to managing contemporary work organizations.

LRSP 316  - Quantitative Methods and Statistics Modules  (3 Credits)  

The ability to work with and effectively use quantitative data to make decisions is a fundamental skill in every management function. This course will provide students with fundamental quantitative skills for analyzing data and making good decisions. Specifically, this course will provide a fundamental understanding of probability and develop skills in quantitative problem structuring, basic forecasting methods, and basic optimization techniques for planning and resource allocation.

LRSP 344  - Financial Management  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: LRSP 201 or equivalent. This course studies financial management, with an emphasis on using the financial statements and other financial data to make decisions to improve the organization’s economic performance. Topics include financial management principles and concepts, financial risk, working capital management, time value of money, cost of capital, stock and bond valuation, and the financial regulatory environment. College of Business majors cannot take this class; they should take FINC 301 instead.

LRSP 412  - Marketing for Managers  (3 Credits)  

From a marketing manager's perspective, this course builds upon the foundation of marketing knowledge found in the classical strategic factors of price, product, place, and promotion. In addition, contemporary competitive factors of quality, speed, innovation and customer service are considered. Additional topics include service strategy, development of service systems, differentiating services from products, the role of the internet, and the application of key marketing concepts to a variety of profit and nonprofit organizations. Attention is given to developing a knowledge base of fundamental marketing research techniques, a basic understanding of free market economics, and the importance of marketplace information to marketing practices.

LRSP 460  - Leadership Strategy and Policy  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: ACCT 102, BLAW 201, LRSP 311 or MGMT 301, STAT 180, and LRSP 412 or MKTG 301, or equivalents for each aforementioned course. Co-requisite: LRSP 344 or FINC 301. This course studies the formulation and direct application of strategy at the business and corporate levels. Emphasis is given to the role of leadership in strategic planning and thinking. Through the use of a variety of instructional techniques, e.g., computer-based simulations and case studies, students learn to make critical leadership decisions concerning organizational policy, competitiveness, operational and marketing tactics, and the role of corporate governance while addressing ethical considerations.

LRSP 471  - Special Topics  (3-6 Credits)  

Selected topics will reflect faculty specialization or program needs. The purpose of this course is to provide opportunities for concentrated study or to equip students with specialized knowledge and competencies that will be required of leaders. May be repeated for credit with a change in topic.

LRSP 491  - Directed Study  (3 Credits)  

This is an individual study under faculty direction on a topic of relevance to the LRSP concentration.

LRSP 499  - Internship  (1-6 Credits)  

Internships offer students opportunities to experience various fields of employment while working with a variety of organizations on important and challenging projects. These experiences augment classroom learning while allowing on-the-job training. Interested students should contact the program director for further information about internship opportunities.