LATN 101  - Elementary Latin   (3 Credits)  

Essentials of Latin grammar and introduction to translating Latin literature.

LATN 102  - Elementary Latin  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: LATN 101 or equivalent. Essentials of Latin grammar and introduction to translating Latin literature.

LATN 201  - Intermediate Latin  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: LATN 101 through LATN 102 or equivalent. Continued study of Latin grammar and composition, and readings from Latin prose and/or poetry.

LATN 202  - Vergil  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: LATN 201 or the equivalent or placement by departmental exam. Survey of Vergil's major poems as culmination of the lower division experience and preparation for advanced work in Latin language and literature.

LATN 207  - Directed Readings in Latin Literature  (1-3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: LATN 201 or the equivalent or placement by departmental exam. Directed reading experiences in Latin language in various media, genres, authors, periods, and subjects.

LATN 352A  - Roman Drama  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: LATN 202, four units of secondary school instruction in Latin, or placement by departmental exam. Selected plays from Plautus, Terence, and/or Seneca.

LATN 354  - Lyric & Elegiac Poetry  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: LATN 202, four units of secondary school instruction in Latin, or placement by departmental exam. Readings from Catullus, Propertius, and Tibullus.

LATN 355  - Roman Historical Writing  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: LATN 202, four units of secondary school instruction in Latin, or placement by departmental exam. Selected readings from Roman historians.

LATN 359  - Roman Satire  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: LATN 202 or the equivalent or placement by departmental exam. Readings selected from the satires of Horace and/or Juvenal.

LATN 363  - Cicero  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: LATN 202 or the equivalent or placement by departmental exam. Readings selected from Cicero's letters, orations, and/or philosophical works.

LATN 367  - Horace  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: LATN 202 or the equivalent or placement by departmental exam. Readings from the Odes and/or Epodes.

LATN 368  - Ovid  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: LATN 202 or the equivalent or placement by departmental exam. Selected readings from Ovid's poems.

LATN 370  - Survey of Latin Literature  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: LATN 202 or the equivalent or placement by departmental exam. Survey of Latin literature from the earliest inscriptions to the end of secular Roman writing.

LATN 381  - Special Studies in Latin Literature  (1-3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: LATN 202 or the equivalent or placement by departmental exam. Reading and study of individual Latin authors or literary genres or periods.

LATN 420  - Rhetoric and Argumentation in Ancient Rome  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: LATN 202 or the equivalent or placement by departmental exam. Empirical study of the writer's process in ancient Rome through study of educational context and close textual analysis. The course addresses the fundamental starting position of all writers in the ancient world: poetic apprenticeship and Greek and Roman rhetoric.

LATN 430A  - Advanced Latin Grammar and Composition  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: LATN 202, four units of secondary school instruction in Latin, or placement by departmental exam. An in depth study of Latin grammar through composition. Required of all Classics majors concentrating in Latin.

LATN 491  - Individual Study in Latin  (1-3 Credits)  

Individual study under the direction of a member of the staff. By permission of the Classics faculty.

LATN 492  - Individual Study in Latin  (1-3 Credits)  

Individual study under the direction of a member of the staff. By permission of the Classics faculty.