HISP 100  - Introduction to Historic Preservation  (3 Credits)  

Survey of the history of historic preservation and the practice of historic preservation with emphasis on the legislation, policies, and methodologies that form our present national, state, and local preservation system.

HISP 105  - The American Built Environment  (3 Credits)  

Survey of America’s architectural, cultural, and historical resources; analysis of the historic, social, economic, political, and environmental forces from both “the Old World” and “the New World” which have shaped them.

HISP 200  - Introduction to Museum Studies  (3 Credits)  

Survey of the history, philosophy, and management of history museums, including curatorship and public interpretation.

HISP 205  - Documentation and Field Work  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 105. Methods of documentation and analysis of historic sites and structures through historical research, measured drawings and photographs.

HISP 207  - American Archaeology   (3 Credits)  

Introduction to field and laboratory methods and interpretive issues of North American archaeology, with emphasis on historical archaeology.

HISP 208  - Introduction to Conservation  (3 Credits)  

Provides an overview of conservation as a professional discipline with emphasis on its principles, methods, and ethics. also examines the field's history and current nature and organization.

HISP 209  - Planning History and Practice  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to the theories, methods and practical applications involved in the field of planning at the state and local level. Introduction to preservation planning.

HISP 302  - Preservation Law  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 100. Examination of the development and application of preservation law and policy in the United States, through the analysis of case law, legislation, and private techniques.

HISP 303A  - Archives and Society  (3 Credits)  

Examination of the theory and practice of archival work, including the paleography, preservation, and cataloging of manuscript collection.

HISP 305A  - Historic Building Technologies  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 205. Intensive overview of the evolution of American building from early dwellings and towns to the glass and steel towers that dominate post-modern skylines. Special emphasis is given to building technologies and the development of structural systems.

HISP 313  - Museum Education  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 200, ARTH 315A, and AMST 306. This course gives an introduction to the main theoretical and methodological approaches in the field of museum education, including learning theories, museum interpretation, and development of learner centered program aimed at conveying knowledge and experience to museum visitors of all ages.

HISP 317  - Museum Collections Management  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 200 or ARTH 315A. This course is an introduction to the principles and practices of collections management in museums. Lectures, class activities, and hands-on projects provide students with a holistic view of collections management, including the care, preservation, and documentation of artifacts. Main course topics include collections management policies, museum registration methods, cataloging, preventive care and conservation, security, insurance, and the ethics and law of collections management.

HISP 320  - Material Culture  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 205. Interpretation and analysis of material culture in pre-industrial and modern American landscapes, with emphasis on research perspectives and methods.

HISP 323  - Heritage Tourism  (3 Credits)  

Heritage Tourism defines the modern market-centered approach to Historic Preservation. This seminar explores the larger issues that surround the evolving concepts of tourism-from the 19th century to Heritage Corridors and theme parks. Implicit in 'heritage tourism' is the experience of interactions with people different than ourselves. The personal automobile and the democratization of leisure time transformed the tourist experience from an idle of the wealthy, to a passion of the working classes. As a multi-disciplinary study, Historic Preservation has staked its reputation with the public presenting and representing heritage in an authentic experience to the public as crucial to our role as mediators between the objects of the past and their recreation industry that seeks to employ heritage as a tourism engine.

HISP 324  - Urban Design  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 209 or GEOG 231. Situated at the intersection of architecture and city planning, urban design is both a process and a practical approach to improve the quality of built environments. This course covers history of urban design and then prepares students without prior design training for a studio experience.

HISP 325  - Vernacular Architecture in America  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 205. A seminar in the research models, methods and theoretical approaches used to study commonplace architecture in the United States.

HISP 326  - Graves & Burial Grounds  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 105. This course introduces students to the history of graves and burial grounds. Particular attention is paid to changes in symbols, locations, layout, materials, and wording over time. Students learn the challenges in preserving these sites today, and develop strategies to accomplish this.

HISP 330  - Diversity in Historic Preservation  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 100. Historic preservation has developed significantly since its 19th-century roots, continually evolving to become more inclusive of the breadth of American society. Through readings, lectures, research, and in-depth discussion, students will critically analyze current trends exploring the diversity of voices, places, and methods in historic preservation.

HISP 333  - The Preservation Enterprise  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 100. Safeguarding past creations for the benefit of future users by taking present actions is the essence of Historic Preservation. These actions are performed by a variety of enterprises, including both profit and not-for-profit. This course involves a systematic and in-depth analysis of essential aspects of these enterprises.

HISP 345  - Computer Applications in Historic Preservation  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 205. Introduction to the major applications of computer technology in Historic Preservation, including development of database structures, documentation using vector drawings, and the employment of geographic information systems for spatial analysis. Through projects that are specific to the practice of historic preservation students gain new means of documenting, interpreting, and analyzing cultural resources.

HISP 360  - International Preservation  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 100. Examination of the origins and programs of major international preservation organizations such as UNESCO, ICOMOS and ICCROM and a survey of international preservation practice and projects in countries around the globe.

HISP 405C  - Advanced Methods in Historic Preservation  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 305A. An intensive survey and research-based study of building resources, with emphasis on the identification and analysis of sites and structures in their geographical, historical, and socio-economic contexts. Focus on assessing and writing National Register of Historic Places nominations.

HISP 461  - Laboratory in Building Forensics  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 305A. Examination of the fundamental principles of building forensics related to the effects of time, gravity, humidity, temperature and light on building materials. Fieldwork monitoring and analysis of deterioration in historic buildings, including masonry, wood, metal and coatings.

HISP 461A  - Lab in Building Forensics  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 305A. Examination of the fundamental principles of architectural conservation related to the effects of time, gravity, humidity, temperature and light on building materials. Fieldwork monitoring and analysis of deterioration in historic buildings, including masonary, wood, metal and coatings.

HISP 462A  - Laboratory Methods in Archaeology  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 207. Laboratory procedures for the processing, identification, analysis, and conservation of artifacts, with emphasis on quantitative analysis and collections management.

HISP 463  - Laboratory in Museum Design and Interpretation  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 200 or AMST 306 or ARTH 315A or permission of instructor. Examination of the principles of museum exhibit design and interpretation, including participation in exhibit preparation.

HISP 467  - Field Methods in Archaeology  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 207 or permission of the instructor. Fieldwork-intensive introduction to the techniques for sampling, excavating, recording, and interpreting archaeological sites. Summer only.

HISP 469  - Laboratory in Preservation Planning  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 405C. This laboratory course expands on the methods and information learned in HISP 405C by providing students with practical experience in the formulation of preservation plan elements.

HISP 470  - Historic Preservation Abroad  (3 Credits)  

Introduces students to the historic resources and to the public and private systems for historic preservation in another country or international setting. Participants investigate the principal Scottish presevation organizations, methodologies, and standards. Participants engage in intensive fieldwork and sponsored projects. Summer only.

HISP 471  - Special Studies in Historic Preservation  (3 Credits)  

Seminar on a topic in historic preservation.

HISP 480  - Professional Practice  (1 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 405C. Professional Practice prepares HISP seniors to get a job. The course covers resumes, cover letters, interviews, and the job-seeking process, with particular focus on preservation-related fields.

HISP 491  - Individual Study in Historic Preservation  (1-3 Credits)  

Intensive individual investigation of a significant research problem under the direction of a faculty member.

HISP 499  - Internship in Historic Preservation  (1-12 Credits)  

Prerequisites: HISP 100, HISP 105, additional course work in Historic Preservation appropriate for the internship, and permission of the instructor. Field experience with a preservation- related institution or group outside the University. Does not meet major requirements.