GERM 101  - Beginning German I  (3 Credits)  

Grammar, emphasis on gaining rapid comprehension and developing fluency in spoken German. Introduction to reading German. Learning to write German. Students with credit for a higher level course in German may not take this course.

GERM 102  - Beginning German II  (3 Credits)  

Grammar, emphasis on gaining rapid comprehension and developing fluency in spoken German. Introduction to reading German. Learning to write German. Students with credit for a higher level course in German may not take this course.

GERM 201A  - Intermediate German I  (3 Credits)  

Grammar review, concentration on reading for comprehension. Honing of oral skills and writing German. Students with credit for a higher level course in German may not take this course for credit.

GERM 202A  - Intermediate German II  (3 Credits)  

Grammar review, concentration on reading for comprehension. Honing oral skills and writing German. Readings in GERM 202A focus on global issues. Students with credit for a higher level course in German may not take this course for credit.

GERM 205  - Intensive Intermediate German  (6 Credits)  

The intermediate course will continue to emphasize all four language skills in German: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Information on German life and culture is also incorporated into the process. After the second semester of this intermediate course you should be able to communicate on the Intermediate Mid level. Students who have taken GERM 201A are not eligible for this class. Summer only.

GERM 301  - Study Abroad Reflection  (1 Credits)  

Prerequisite: GERM 202A or equivalent. A reflection course for students of German to complete after returning from an approved study abroad program in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland.

GERM 302  - Oral Communication  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: GERM 202A. Designed to expand the student’s active vocabulary and help the student develop their own style in speaking.

GERM 303  - Advanced Composition  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: GERM 202A. Intensive written language practice. Designed to expand the student’s active vocabulary, improve use of grammar, and help the student develop their own style in writing.

GERM 304  - Communication through Film  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: GERM 202A. Intensive written and oral language practice through the medium of film. Designed to expand the student’s active vocabulary, improve grammar use, and help the student develop their own style.

GERM 313  - German for Professional Use I  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: GERM 302 or equivalent. This course provides students with the basic communicative skills in the German language as used in German business and economics. It introduces students to the economic role of the German-speaking countries in the global economy. Topics include German economic geography, German business and economics terminology in finance, the social welfare system, transport system, the structure of corporations, and the code of behavior in the business world. Students will develop their skills in listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking and writing.

GERM 325  - German Cultural History  (4 Credits)  

In English. Survey of the cultures, civilizations, and traditions of the German-speaking areas, with emphasis on Germany.

GERM 330  - Methods Seminar: Analyzing Text and Culture  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: GERM 202A or equivalent. Emphasizes texts from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Close attention paid to analyzing form, content, motifs, character, and social and cultural background, as well as to various methodological approaches to text interpretation.

GERM 333  - Women, War and Psychology: German Literature and Culture between WWI and WWII  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: two GERM 300-level courses. Representative works of German literature of the twentieth century between the world wars with a focus on themes of war, psychology, and gender.

GERM 334  - Forward and Never Forget: German Literature 1945-2000  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: two GERM 300-level courses. Representative works of German literature of the twentieth century between WWII and today with a focus on the theme of confronting the Nazi past.

GERM 411  - Representations of Death  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Two GERM 300-level courses. This course examines the representation of death in German literature, music, and the visual arts from the middle ages to today. Topics include attitudes toward death, dying, the corpse, afterlife, and the relationship between the living and the dead.

GERM 412  - German Translation  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Two GERM 300-level courses. This course familiarizes students with the main tools of translating a wide variety of texts and helps students develop trans-cultural as well as trans-linguistic competencies.

GERM 413  - Remembering the Holocaust  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Two GERM 300-level courses. This course focuses on Holocaust memorialization in art, literature, film, and museums in both the U.S. and abroad (including Germany, Israel, Austria, and Poland).

GERM 415  - German in the Sciences  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Two GERM 300-level courses. This course develops students’ ability to critically read texts, observe and describe live and recorded demonstrations, and speak and write knowledgeably about scientific topics as well as scientific topics discussed in Germany and the U.S.

GERM 416  - Coffee House Literature  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Two 300-level GERM courses. This course explores through a variety of works and genres the cultural and literary history of Vienna with a particular focus on fin-de-siecle Vinna. Texts are discussed as literary forms and as historical, political and cultural products of their environment.

GERM 485  - Seminar in German  (4 Credits)  

Selected topics in German literature, German cultural studies, or Germanic linguistics.

GERM 491  - Individual Study   (1-6 Credits)  

Approval of the instructor.

GERM 492  - Individual Study   (1-6 Credits)  

Approval of the instructor.

GERM 499  - Internship   (1-4 Credits)  

Supervised off-campus experience, developed in consultation with the department. No credit toward major.