GEOG 101  - World Regional Geography  (3 Credits)  

An appreciation of spatial patterns in the distribution of physical and human characteristics of the major regions of the world.

GEOG 102  - Introduction to Human Geography  (3 Credits)  

An examination of the spatial patterns in human society and their impact on the evolution of past and present landscapes.

GEOG 110  - Introduction to Weather and Climate  (4 Credits)  

Foundational concepts of physical geography. Concentration on weather, climate, and world vegetation regions. Laboratory.

GEOG 111  - Landform Processes  (4 Credits)  

Survey of the processes, both tectonic and climatic, that shape the earth's surface. Laboratory.

GEOG 200  - Topics in Geography  (1-4 Credits)  

Lecture class dealing with a pre-selected topic of current interest. May include laboratory. (May be repeated for credit with change of topic)

GEOG 221A  - Environment & Culture in Eastern North America  (3 Credits)  

Environment, culture, and landscape evolution of the eastern United States and Canada, emphasizing natural resources, land use, and economic development.

GEOG 222A  - Environment & Culture in Western North America  (3 Credits)  

Environment, culture, and landscape evolution of the western United States and Canada, emphasizing natural resources, land use, and economic development.

GEOG 231  - Introduction to Planning  (3 Credits)  

A survey of basic concepts, laws, and methods used in city and regional planning, illustrated with case studies.

GEOG 236  - Globalization and Local Development  (3 Credits)  

A geographic analysis of the history and current conditions of the world-economy focusing on location theory, globalization, and community economic development.

GEOG 237  - Cities  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of the complexities and contradictions of city life and urban processes. Includes an introduction to theories and debates about the economic, political, environmental, and cultural roles and meanings of cities and instruction in basic research methods used by urban researchers.

GEOG 240  - Hazards and Resilience  (3 Credits)  

The study of natural hazards from a geographic perspective. An examination of the physical processes that cause hazards and disasters, as well as community vulnerability and risk, mitigation and resilience. Case studies and examples will be used.

GEOG 241  - Biogeography  (3 Credits)  

This course introduces biogeography, the study of the distribution of organisms through space and time, the patterns created by those distributions, and the reasons for them.

GEOG 245  - Environment and Society  (3 Credits)  

A geographic survey of environmental changes caused by human activities, with emphasis given to resource exploitation, conservation, pollution, and interactions of humans with plant and animal communities.

GEOG 301A  - Geography of Latin America and the Caribbean  (3 Credits)  

Regional geography of the lands and peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, with particular emphasis on the cultural, political, economic, and historical bonds that unify the region.

GEOG 303  - Geography of Europe  (3 Credits)  

Regional geography of the European region, with particular emphasis on cultural, political, economic, and historical forces of unification and disintegration within the region.

GEOG 304A  - Geography of the Middle East   (3 Credits)  

Regional geography of the arid-land countries of the Middle East, focusing on the evolution of economic, political, and cultural landscapes.

GEOG 325  - Dynamic Climatology  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: GEOG 110 or permission of instructor. A study of the atmospheric dynamics that control earth’s climates. Dynamic Climatology is designed for those students who seek a more thorough understanding of the atmospheric dynamics that control earth's climates. This course offers a more in-depth treatment of atmospheric circulation and thermodynamics that can be given in an introductory course, yet because GEOG 110 is the only pre-requisite, the treatment will be done in a more qualitative, rather than quantitative, way. Topics will begin with an overall model of the atmosphere, moving then to a more detailed look at aspects of circulation such as midlatitude circulations and cyclogenesis. We will continue the course with a discussion of major aspects of the climate dynamics of the continents, and conclude with a discussion of oscillating pressure systems and teleconnections.

GEOG 326  - Glacial Processes and Landscapes  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: GEOG 111 or EESC 112. An investigation intoglacial processes and the landforms associated, both directly and indirectly, with glaciation. One weekend field trip may be scheduled.

GEOG 327  - Climate Change  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: GEOG 110 or EESC 111. An examination of the mechanisms and evidence for climate change over various timescales.

GEOG 331  - Race and Place in America  (3 Credits)  

An analysis of how place and space have shaped our understandings and experiences of race in the United States. Topics include how law has interpreted racialized geographies, segregation, white supremacy groups, and immigration.

GEOG 332  - Migration Politics in a Globalizing World  (3 Credits)  

This course examines the politics of movement and mobility in international migration through historical, theoretical, and comparative perspectives. We will analyze why people migrate, how different governments and publics respond to their migration, and the kinds of new social, cultural, and political spaces that their interactions create. We will discuss the contemporary debates about migration from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.

GEOG 333  - Planning Seminar  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: GEOG 231, GEOG 237 or HISP 209. This course provides an advanced assessment of planning concepts and practices. The topical focus of the seminar varies by instructor but may include housing, transportation, economic development, or regional planning.

GEOG 335  - Sacred Spaces  (3 Credits)  

An examination of the intersection of geography and religion with an emphasis on sacred spaces. The course explores how religions understand, create, and give meaning to sacred space, and includes a review of major theories and methods in the geographic study of religion. Cross-listed as RELG 335.

GEOG 337  - The Nature of Cities  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: HISP 209, GEOG 231 or 237. Examination of the multiple intersections of urban and natural environments, including the role of green spaces in cities, political ecology, and environmental justice issues.

GEOG 338  - Geopolitics  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Junior or Senior status. An analysis of power, ideology and identity in and across space. The class focuses on how geopolitical theories have changed over time and vary across places and introduces students to critical geopolitics.

GEOG 339A  - Development Studies  (3 Credits)  

An examination of development geographies at global, state, and regional scales, assessment of theoretical approaches, and studies of development issues, including health, education, microfinance, urbanization, energy, food security, and resource access.

GEOG 352  - Quantitative Methods in Geography  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: 6 hours of GEOG or permission of instructor. An overview of the quantitative methods used by geographers to analyze and interpret geographic data and solve geographic problems. Includes descriptive and inferential statistics, and an exploration of how quantitative research questions and techniques are situated within the broader discipline of geography.

GEOG 360  - Geographic Study Abroad  (1-6 Credits)  

Travel to a foreign region where students will attend lectures, observe geographic phenomena, and participate in group discussions.

GEOG 361  - Grassroots Development in Guatemala  (3 Credits)  

This course examines issues of sustainability and development in the central highlands of Guatemala. It includes a 9 day trip over Spring Break and focuses on how efforts to develop ecological understanding, revive traditional Maya ecological practices, and experiment with innovative agroecological techniques can address social needs and enhance food security.

GEOG 363  - Qualitative Methods in Geography  (3 Credits)  

An examination of the philosophies and techniques of doing qualitative research in geography. Includes data collection and analysis using interviewing, observation, participatory research, visual techniques, cognitive mapping, archival research, and content analysis.

GEOG 365  - Field Methods  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. This class focuses on the field methods used in different subfields of Geography, including systematic observation, keeping field notes, survey design, mapping, coding, and analysis. Substantial time in the field required.

GEOG 410  - Advanced Topics in Geography  (1-4 Credits)  

Advanced seminar dealing with a pre-selected topic of current interest. May include laboratory. (May be repeated for credit with change of topic)

GEOG 485  - Readings in Geography  (1-3 Credits)  

Directed readings on a selected topic in geography under the guidance of a member of the geography faculty.

GEOG 490  - Senior Seminar in Geography  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Senior majors only. An intensive study of one of the subfields of geography, with emphasis on critical reading of the literature and group discussion.

GEOG 491A  - Individual Study in Geography  (1-6 Credits)  

Intensive individual study of some geographic issue under the guidance of a member of the geography faculty.

GEOG 494  - Community Engaged Study in Geography  (1-6 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Intensive individual research of some geographic issue that includes community engagement, under the guidance of a member of the geography faculty.

GEOG 498  - Senior Portfolio  (1 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Senior status and Geography major. This class provides students with an opportunity to reflect on their work as undergraduate geography students and to assemble samples of their work for graduate school and job applications.

GEOG 499  - Internship   (1-6 Credits)  

Supervised off-campus experience. Pass/fail only. Does not count toward geography major.