EDSE 250  - Survey of Special Education: Characteristics and Legal Issues  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: IDIS 311 or EDUC 206 and EDUC 207. Co-requisite: EDUC 290 and EDUC 291 for College of Education students. This course presents an overview of the historical basis and regulatory requirements related to special education, including the individual education plan (IEP) as a legal document and the rights and responsibilities of parents, teachers, and schools. The characteristics of elementary and secondary learners with disabilities and their educational and medical implications are examined, as well as the cultural, familial, and ethical issues involved.

EDSE 305  - Mathematics Instruction for Special Education  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: EDUC 351A and EDUC 385 or EDUC 388. This course prepares pre‐service teachers to apply evidence -based teaching and assessment practices for the instruction of Virginia Mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL) content strands at the elementary and secondary levels to students with disabilities.

EDSE 324  - Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: EDUC 351A and EDUC 385 or EDUC 388; or IDIS 311 and EDSE 250. This course prepares students to work with K-12 students with varying disabilities who are transitioning throughout the educational experience. These skills include consultation, case management and collaboration with general educators, service providers and parents. Additional topics include postsecondary education, training, employment, and independent living skills in relationship to technology, community resources, self‐advocacy, self‐determination, guardianship, and legal requirements.

EDSE 421  - Language and Literacy for Special Populations  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: EDUC 351A and EDUC 385 or EDUC 388. The study of language development provides a context for understanding and diagnosing language and reading problems. Topics include normal and abnormal language development patterns, basic reading skills, explicit phonics instruction, multisensory structured language programs, comprehension, assessment and evaluation, and effective language, reading and writing instructional strategies for students with disabilities. Field experience required. Cross-listed as EDSE 521.

EDSE 434  - Assessment, Evaluation, and Instructional Planning  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: EDSE 305 and EDSE 421. This course examines a variety of formal and informal approaches to assessing and evaluating student learning and behavior. Experiences are provided in selecting, administering, and interpreting norm‐referenced, criterion referenced, and curriculum-based measures; participating in eligibility decisions and response to intervention programs; developing instructional plans; and monitoring the progress of students with disabilities in the K‐12 setting. Cross‐listed as EDSE 534.

EDSE 439  - Supporting Students with Disabilities in the General Curriculum  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: EDSE 434 or IDIS 311 and EDSE 250. Co-requisite: EDSE 450 for College of Education students. This course prepares students to work with K-12 students with disabilities who are accessing the general curriculum across the K-12 grade levels. Topics include legal and regulatory requirements in special education, instructional planning, individualized education planning, assessment and evaluation, collaboration, and co‐teaching.

EDSE 450  - Teaching Lab: Special Education  (1 Credits)  

Prerequisites: EDSE 434. Corequisite: EDSE 439. In this teaching lab course, students will develop and demonstrate proficiency in monitoring student progress, using educational technology, evaluating practice, and reflecting deeply on their professional teaching practices in preparation for the full-time internship. Students will develop and teach four lesson plans for a minimum of five hours of instructional time, one of which will be video recorded, and reflect on their implementation.