ARTH 114A  - History of Western Art I  (3 Credits)  

Survey of Western architecture, painting, and sculpture from the Prehistoric period to the late Gothic.

ARTH 115A  - History of Western Art II   (3 Credits)  

Survey of Western architecture, painting, and sculpture from proto-Renaissance to the present.

ARTH 118  - History of Asian Art  (3 Credits)  

A survey of architecture, painting, sculpture, ceramics, and gardens produced by societies in Asia from the Prehistoric period to the present.

ARTH 224  - Arts of Japan and Korea  (3 Credits)  

Explores the history of Japanese and Korean art from the Prehistoric period to the present day. The works of architecture, gardens, ceramics, sculpture, painting, and other visual forms from the major periods of Japanese and Korean history are examined within social, cultural, political, and religious contexts.

ARTH 260  - Topics in Art History  (3 Credits)  

Explores significant figures, styles, movements, and topics in Western art. Does not fulfill an area requirement but can count as elective credit in the major.

ARTH 270  - Topics in Non-Western and Non-Eurocentric Art  (3 Credits)  

Major monuments of architecture, sculpture, and painting of non-Western and/or non-Eurocentric cultural contexts are explored, as specified by the topic title. Previous topics have included: Asian art, African art, Islamic art, and Pre-Columbian and Latin American art.

ARTH 303  - Methods of Art History  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: One Art History survey course (ARTH 114A, ARTH 115A, or ARTH 118). Philosophies of art historical methodologies and summation of principles and historic development of the discipline.

ARTH 305  - Egyptian and Near Eastern Art and Archaeology  (3 Credits)  

Using the methodologies developed by archaeologists and art historians, this course examines the artistic and architectural traditions of Egypt and the Near East from the prehistoric through the Greco-Roman periods. Cross-listed as CLAS 305.

ARTH 310  - Greek Art  (3 Credits)  

Focuses on the development of Greek art from the early Aegean Age through the Geometric, Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic periods.

ARTH 311  - Roman Art  (3 Credits)  

A review of the major developments in Roman art and architecture from the Italo-Etruscan period to the end of the Roman Empire. Special attention is devoted to the topography and major monuments of the ancient city of Rome.

ARTH 315A  - Art Museum Studies  (3 Credits)  

Examines the art museum and its role, including: developing and managing collections and exhibits; interpretation and museum education for diverse audiences; funding; governance; and ethics and values. Case studies, field trips, practice, and readings included. Does not satisfy the Art History requirement for the Studio Art major.

ARTH 317  - Laboratory in Museum Studies  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: ARTH 315A or HISP 200 or AMST 306. Through the creation of an exhibition or hypothetical museum, students gain experience working in a team environment as they apply their knowledge about museum audience, collections, education, curation, organization and administration, physical plant, and public relations. Does not count as an elective for the Art History major. Does not satisfy the Art History requirement for the Studio Art major.

ARTH 326  - Romanesque & Gothic Art  (3 Credits)  

A survey of the visual arts of Western Europe from the 11th through the 15th centuries. The works of architecture, sculpture, and painting are studied with attention to the social, religious, and intellectual frameworks of the societies that produced them. Special emphasis is given to the monastic tradition, pilgrimage and relic cults, and the urban cathedral.

ARTH 330  - Northern European Art, 1400 to 1600  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the artistic traditions of northern Europe through a focus on such artists as Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden, Bosch, Dürer, and Bruegel. The relations between patron and image are of particular interest, as are the connections between northern and southern European art during this period.

ARTH 331A  - Early Italian Renaissance  (3 Credits)  

A survey of the painting, sculpture, and architecture of Italy from about 1300 to 1475. All major figures, including Giotto, Ghiberti, Donatello, and Botticelli are considered. Works are examined in terms of setting, patronage, and cultural context in addition to questions of style and meaning. Of particular interest is the relationship between artistic expression and the personalities and institutions of the city of Florence.

ARTH 332A  - High Renaissance & Mannerism  (3 Credits)  

A survey of the painting, sculpture, and architecture of Italy from about 1475 to 1600. Among the High Renaissance artists considered are Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Titian. Of special consideration is the nature of the Papacy as a patron of the arts and the city of Rome as a context for artistic activity. The course also considers the reasons for the dissolution of the classical tradition during this time by artists such as Pontormo, Parmigianino, and Giulio Romano.

ARTH 340  - Northern Baroque Art  (3 Credits)  

Examines the major works of northern European art from the late sixteenth century until around 1700. Issues covered include the influence of antiquity, contacts with Italy, patronage of royal courts as well as the new “middle class,” and the role of religion. Selected works by Rubens, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Poussin, and others are studied from a variety of interpretative points of view including iconography, style, technique, social and economic circumstances, and the relationship of the visual arts to other cultural productions such as literature and music.

ARTH 341A  - Italian and Spanish Baroque Art  (3 Credits)  

Examines the major works of Italian and Spanish art from the late sixteenth century until around 1700, with some attention paid to Islamic influences in Spain as well as influences from the arts of the “New World”. Selected works by Caravaggio, Bernini, Borromini, Velazquez, Zurbaran, and others are studied from a variety of interpretative points of view including iconography, style, technique, social and economic circumstances, and the relationship of the visual arts to other cultural productions such as literature and music.

ARTH 350A  - Neoclassicism to Impressionism  (3 Credits)  

Focuses on the periods of Neoclassicism, Realism, and Impressionism in painting and sculpture in Europe, with emphasis on French art.

ARTH 351A  - Post-Impressionism to Abstract Expressionism  (3 Credits)  

Focuses on the periods of Post-Impressionism to Abstract Expressionism in painting and sculpture.

ARTH 352A  - American Art  (3 Credits)  

A survey of American painting and sculpture with emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries.

ARTH 354A  - Pop Art to the Present  (3 Credits)  

Explores the history of art since 1945 and its critical response.

ARTH 355  - Modern Architecture  (3 Credits)  

A chronological survey of 20th-century architecture that focuses on the most noted architects and their work, as well as the revolutionary building technologies and aesthetic theories that made such architecture possible.

ARTH 356  - Global Modernisms in East Asian Art  (3 Credits)  

A global approach to the transformative art scenes outside of Europe and America with a focus on the distinctive, yet intimately related, modern and postmodern art movements of China, Japan, and Korea in the 20th century, including Post-Impressionism, revival of Asian painting traditions, Expressionism, Abstract Expressionism, and post-war avant-garde art.

ARTH 357  - Contemporary Asian Art  (3 Credits)  

Explores diverse contemporary art scenes in and outside of East, South, and Southeast Asia in the last two decades. Includes discussion on experimental art, public art, installation art, new media art, performance art, pop art, feminist art, international art biennials, and the global art market.

ARTH 360  - Special Studies in Art History  (3 Credits)  

Concentration in lecture and discussion format on an individual artist, specific problem, limited time period, geographic area(s), or theme. Does not fulfill an area requirement but can count as elective credit in the major. May be offered for study abroad credit by UMW art history faculty.

ARTH 450  - Topics in Art and Art History  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: ARTH 114A or 115A and ARTS 105; or permission of instructor. Previous offerings have included: “Mosaics: History and Techniques,” that bridge traditional boundaries between Art History and Studio Art.

ARTH 460  - Seminar: Women and Western Art  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: ARTH 114A, ARTH 115A, ARTH 303, and permission of the instructor. This course examines the roles women have played in the visual arts in Western traditions, as well as the literature by and about these women. Focus is on the work of women artists, the commissions of women patrons, the responses of audiences to these works, meanings placed on the feminine form, and the work of male artists which has as its subject the female form. Also looks at contemporary issues to examine the role of feminist art as an art which critiques and creates society. Permission of the instructor required.

ARTH 470  - Seminar: Special Studies in Art History  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: ARTH 114A, ARTH 115A, or ARTH 118. For Art History majors and other qualified students. Concentration, in seminar format, is on an individual artist, specific problem, limited time period, or theme.

ARTH 491  - Individual Study in Art History  (3 Credits)  

For art majors only. Faculty-approved research project, oral presentation, and major paper. A vehicle for those seeking honors in Art History. Available on a competitive basis. Permission of department chair and instructor required.

ARTH 492  - Individual Study in Art History  (3 Credits)  

For art majors only. Faculty-approved research project, oral presentation, and major paper. Vehicle for those seeking honors in Art History. Available on a competitive basis. Permission of department chair and instructor required.

ARTH 499  - Internship   (1-12 Credits)  

Supervised off-campus experience developed in consultation with the Art History faculty. May not be used to satisfy the Art History 400-level research course requirement. A maximum of three credits may count toward the major requirements.