MUSC 000  - Music Forum  (0 Credits)  

Co-requisite: MUTH 291. Through a combination of performance, discussion, and reflection, music majors and minors will develop strategies for musical success, regardless of whatever direction their life takes them. Co-requisite: MUTH 291.

MUSC 255  - Music Engagement: Street Choir  (1 Credits)  

An introduction to social justice issues in a local context, foregrounding active engagement in the community through a collaborative choral ensemble. Fieldwork.

MUSC 273  - Special Studies in Music  (1-4 Credits)  

Study of a specialized musical topic.

MUSC 473  - Special Studies in Music  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: MUTH 191 or permission of the instructor. Study of a specialized musical topic; counts toward the required music history sequence for music majors.

MUSC 490  - Music Seminar  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: Senior standing and at least 9 hours of MUHL, MUPR, MUSC, MUTC, or MUTH courses at the 300-level or above. Capstone research, creative, and /or performance project required under close supervision of department faculty, with written and oral presentation.