MKTG 301  - Principles of Marketing  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: ECON 201B or ECON 202B. The place of marketing in the global economy and the policies and practices of marketing institutions are explored. Major topics included are marketing functions, organization, research, merchandising, channels of distribution and transportation. Also, problems concerning ethics and social responsibility in the marketing arena are discussed.

MKTG 370  - Ecotourism  (3 Credits)  

Students will learn about how flora, fauna, and terrain are marketed with an emphasis on animal tourism. Students will also discuss the ethical arguments (for and against) ecotourism along with the impact of events such as COVID 19 outbreaks. Traveling with the class to a destination (typically Australia between Christmas and the spring semester or a domestic destination for eight days in May starting the day after commencement) is a required part of the course. Email Dr. Gentry for details.

MKTG 411  - Marketing Research  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: DSCI 352 or equivalent; MKTG 301 or equivalent; and business administration major or permission of the Associate Dean for Faculty. Research in marketing is used as a tool to identify, collect, and analyze data relevant to decision-making for businesses. Relevant statistical software is used to analyze client data. Ethical considerations related to research findings also are discussed.

MKTG 417  - Digital Marketing  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisites: MKTG 301. A study of digital marketing platforms and digital commerce. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are explored along with digital commerce via Google and dropshipping. Students create their own social media advertisement for an actual digital commerce website.

MKTG 420  - Negotiation  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: BUAD 350, junior or senior status; and business administration major or permission of the Associate Dean for Faculty. An exploration of negotiation techniques and strategies, including: understanding opponents, determining needs and identifying objectives, and managing concessions and power dynamics, all with an eye towards maintaining goodwill and building long-term, productive professional relationships. The course will cover individual, group, multi-party, agented, and cross-cultural negotiations, through theoretical study and practical application.

MKTG 421  - Entrepreneurial Venture Creation  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: ACCT 101; ECON 202B; and College of Business major or minor or permission of the Associate Dean for Faculty. This course introduces entrepreneurship to students as creating something new that adds value to others. Entrepreneurial Venture Creation focuses on the knowledge, skills, and processes required to create a plan for starting a new business. Cross listed as MGMT 421.

MKTG 427  - Social Change Marketing  (3 Credits)  

Over 30% of food is wasted (due to date labels that don't mean anything), the lifespan of clothes and electronics is decreasing due to planned obsolescence, and what about newly legal markets such as the sex trade or recreational drugs? This course looks at the marketing problems and solutions.

MKTG 430  - Professional Selling  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: MKTG 301 or equivalent; College of Business major or minor; or permission of the Associate Dean for Faculty. Professional Selling focuses on the knowledge, skills, and processes required for effective professional relationship selling. Strategies and approaches for creating, communicating, and delivering value to initiate, develop and expand customer relationships are emphasized throughout the course.

MKTG 440  - Promotion Management  (3 Credits)  

The course provides an overall perspective of rapidly developing communication function of marketing with respect to consumers, technology, and media. It views promotion from a manager’s perspective and allows students to explore the importance of integrated marketing communications which emphasizes coordination of traditional, digital, and emerging media as well as other promotional elements to achieve an efficient and effective communication plan.

MKTG 450  - Consumer Behavior  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: MKTG 301 or equivalent; and business administration major or permission of Associate Dean for Faculty. This course examines the contributions of behavioral sciences toward understanding and predicting consumer behavior, especially as it pertains to the decision-making process. It is vital for marketers and managers to understand why different people make different decisions in the same circumstances in order to better serve them. This course looks at the empirical evidence from a variety of sources on why various segments behave as they do.

MKTG 460  - International Marketing  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: MKTG 301 or equivalent; and business administration major or permission of Associate Dean for Faculty. The focus of this course is to understand the challenges companies face in conducting the international marketing. Students explore various strategies to successfully manage international marketing efforts, including analysis of world markets, consumer behavior, foreign environments, and the marketing management methods required to meet the demands of the global marketplace. The problems of foreign competition, diminishing U.S. market share, and US economy’s interdependence with world markets are covered. Also assessed are different foreign market entry strategies.

MKTG 471  - Seminars in Marketing  (1-3 Credits)  

Special topics of interest to faculty and students are discussed in individual seminars which focus on marketing.

MKTG 472  - Marketing Seminar Abroad  (3 Credits)  

Special topics of interest to staff and students pertaining to how marketing is conducted in one or more countries outside the United States are explored in depth in individual seminars. In order to receive credit for this class, students must also travel to the country as part of a class trip with the instructor.

MKTG 490  - Marketing Strategy  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite: MKTG 301, senior status, and College of Business major or minor or permission of the Associate Dean for Faculty. This course serves as a capstone survey of the major topics in contemporary marketing. Topics included are delineation of market targets, the development and implementation of the marketing mix, the control and analysis of the total marketing effort, strategy, strategic decision-making tools, ethics, as well as comprehensive case studies or the use of a comprehensive simulation.

MKTG 491  - Individual Study in Marketing  (1-3 Credits)  

Directed by a marketing faculty member, students conduct individual research focusing on an approved topic of interest in marketing.

MKTG 499  - Marketing Internshp  (1-3 Credits)  

A supervised work experience in a sponsoring organization developed with, and under the supervision of, a marketing faculty member. A maximum of 3 hours of 499 classes in the College of Business may be used toward the upper-level elective requirement for any of the majors in the College of Business.