Students in all degree programs are expected to make satisfactory academic progress by maintaining a 2.00 overall cumulative UMW GPA, the standard required for graduation. Students who fall below a 2.00 overall cumulative UMW GPA are in academic jeopardy and are subject to these probation, suspension and dismissal policies. Students with a cumulative GPA that falls below 2.00 will be limited to 13 credit hours per term until their GPA returns to 2.00 or higher. Students with a GPA of less than 2.00 who are on Academic Warning, Probation, or are Reinstated from First of Second Suspension may, with the permission of Academic Services, be permitted to enroll in up to 18 credit hours.

The purpose of probation, suspension and dismissal is to warn students that they are not doing satisfactory work, to stimulate them to improve their performance, or, finally, to serve notice that the institution does not choose to allow them to continue because there is little or no likelihood of their finishing successfully.

Evaluation of academic standing is based on two factors: the number of attempted credits at UMW and the minimum overall cumulative GPA. For both full-time and part-time students, the number of attempted credits is based on the total of all UMW attempted hours (including UMW graded credits, PA, SA, UN, W and repeated credits). The minimum overall GPA is calculated on UMW graded credits (Grades of PA, SA, UN and W are not considered in calculating the UMW GPA.)

Academic Warning and Academic Probation

A student is placed on academic warning the first time the student’s overall cumulative UMW GPA falls below 2.00. Students on academic warning who achieve an overall cumulative UMW GPA of 2.00 or higher at the conclusion of either the fall or spring semester will be removed from warning. Any student previously on warning whose overall cumulative UMW GPA falls again below a 2.00 at the conclusion of either the fall or spring semester will be placed on academic probation. 

A student is placed on academic probation whenever the student’s overall cumulative UMW GPA falls below 2.00 for a second time. Students on academic probation who achieve an overall cumulative UMW GPA of 2.00 or higher at the conclusion of either the fall or spring semester will be removed from probation. Any student previously on academic probation whose overall cumulative UMW GPA falls again below a 2.00 at the conclusion of either the fall or spring semester will be returned to probation. As appropriate, a notation of the student’s probation status is entered on the student’s permanent record. A student placed on academic warning or probation is expected to consult with their faculty advisor and the Office of Academic Services no later than the first week of the ensuing semester. A student placed on “academic warning or probation” may continue to participate in any extracurricular opportunities offered by the institution except those activities that require a specific GPA threshold.


Students who do not make satisfactory progress (please see chart below) while on probation will be suspended/dismissed. No student can be suspended after only one semester at the University; a period of probation of at least one semester duration will always precede suspension/dismissal action. As appropriate, a notation of the student’s suspension/dismissal status is entered on the student’s permanent record. A suspended student may not register for any classes at UMW (fall or spring semester) until their term of suspension expires. However, a student under suspension may enroll in UMW’s summer school after consultation with the Office of Academic Services. A student under first suspension may take up to two courses at another college or university for transfer to UMW but must obtain written approval from Academic Services and the Registrar before registering for classes during the semester of suspension. A dismissed student is ineligible to obtain a degree from UMW or to continue enrollment in courses offered by the University.

The academic records of all students on probation are subject to review for academic suspension/dismissal at the conclusion of the fall and spring semesters. All students on probation must have met the appropriate minimum overall cumulative UMW GPA, based upon their number of credits (including AP, IB, CLEP, Cambridge, and transfer credits as well as all UMW attempted GPA hours). All students on probation who have not achieved the requisite minimum overall cumulative GPA at the conclusion of each fall or spring semester will be suspended/dismissed, according to the terms below:

Number of Attempted Credits Minimum Overall Cumulative GPA
12-30 1.25
31-45 1.50
46-60 1.75
61-90 1.85
91-120+ 2.00

First Suspension

One-semester suspension. The student will be ineligible to attend the subsequent semester, but they would be eligible to return for the semester following the semester away from the University. However, a suspended student would be eligible to attend UMW’s summer school after consultation with the Office of Academic Services. If a suspended student’s GPA meets the minimum overall cumulative GPA at the end of the summer session, that student will be automatically reinstated. Students who are on a first suspension at the time of departure may depart on a study abroad course only after being advised by the Office of Academic Services.

Second Suspension

Two-semesters suspension. The student will be ineligible to attend the subsequent summer session, fall semester and spring semester; but they would be eligible to return for the following summer term and/or fall semester. Students on a second suspension are not eligible to study abroad. Any student placed on suspension may appeal their suspension to the Committee on Academic Standing. Students cannot be evaluated for a second suspension until they return from a first suspension as either a full-time or part-time student during the fall or spring semester following the guidelines but not the deadlines in the following section: Reinstatement after suspension.

Dismissal-Permanent Suspension

A dismissed student is ineligible to obtain a degree from UMW or to continue enrollment in courses offered by the University.

Note: Courses taken at other institutions while a student is on disciplinary or honor suspension from UMW are not accepted by UMW for transfer credit and will not fulfill any degree requirement. Prior permission for future transfer course work is automatically revoked when a student is suspended/dismissed for disciplinary or honor reasons.

Reinstatement after Suspension

A student returning from suspension after the end of the spring semester is eligible to take courses during the subsequent summer term. (See Readmission/Reinstatement.)