Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science Major Program Requirements

A major program within a single discipline requires at least 30, but no more than 48, credits. All must be graded credits. Students must take at least one-half of the major program at Mary Washington, earning a grade-point average of 2.00 in the courses. To see the requirements for a particular major, use the option for "Majors" available at the Catalog home page.

Beginning in fall 2020, one Writing Intensive (WI) and one Speaking Intensive (SI) course must be taken in the major. This requirement applies to all students declaring a major, or changing to a new major, in the fall 2020 semester or thereafter.

Many students complete two major programs to satisfy diverse personal or career interests. Students who intend to “double major” should read the section titled “Second Degree or Post-Baccalaureate Major.”

In addition to majors in the traditional arts and sciences disciplines, the University offers a B.A./B.S Special Major Program. A student and faculty advisor may design a special major program by selecting, from two or more departments, courses that define a coherent field of concentration. Examples of approved special majors include programs in Creative Non-Fiction Writing, Italian Studies, Linguistics, Medieval Studies, Public Affairs, and Journalism. Any student interested in developing a special major program must apply to the respective College Curriculum Committee prior to completing 15 credits in the proposed special major program. The approval of the Committee is required before a special major program can be undertaken. Special majors must meet these guidelines.

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (BSEd) Major Program Requirements

Forty-eight (48) credit hours are required. Specific major requirements are outlined on the Elementary Education major page in the Catalog. One Writing Intensive (WI) and one Speaking Intensive (SI) must be taken in this major. An additional degree requirement in this program is the completion of a nine (9) credit internship. 

Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) Major Program Requirements

A BLS student may select from many liberal arts majors offered by the University or may choose the Leadership and Management major, which is available only to BLS students. A BLS student may also create an approved, coherent interdisciplinary BLS Special Major from the offerings of at least two departments. Additional details about the BLS Special Major are available on the Special Majors for BLS students page. At least 15 credits in the major must be earned at the University of Mary Washington. Students must also earn a grade-point average (GPA) of at least a 2.0 in the major/concentration area. Beginning in fall 2020, one Writing Intensive (WI) and one Speaking Intensive (SI) course must be taken in the major. 

BLS students who intend to “double major” should refer to Second Degree or Post-Baccalaureate Major.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Major Program Requirements

Thirty (30) credits must be completed at UMW with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 on all UMW work. Specific major requirements are outlined on the Nursing major page in the Catalog. In order to take any UMW courses that begin with the NURS prefix, the student must present a current and valid unencumbered RN license to practice nursing in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 

Minor Program Requirements

To allow students to gain expertise in an area beyond their major field of study, a student may elect to pursue programs of studies designated as minors. Minors are offered by departments and consist of no fewer than 15 and no more than 28 credits. At least three minor courses must be at the 300-400 level. Students must take at least 9 credits in the minor at UMW.

Individual courses may count for both a minor and General Education requirements. In the case of a major and a minor, the maximum degree of overlap permitted between the major and minor is two courses. In the case of two minors, the maximum degree of overlap permitted between the minors is two courses. No minor courses may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. A student must earn at least a 2.0 grade-point average in any minor.

To see the requirements for a particular minor, please see Minors.