The policies and procedures presented in this Catalog are provided for the convenience of students, faculty, and staff. Each student is responsible for familiarizing him/herself with and noting changes in policy or procedures affecting his or her program and adjusting the program accordingly. Final responsibility for enrolling in appropriate courses in the right sequence and for meeting all degree requirements rests with the student. The remainder of this section of the Catalog provides information organized alphabetically on a number of general academic policies and procedures applying to all undergraduate students.

Additional academic policies pertaining to degree requirements and programs of study are provided in the “Undergraduate Degrees” and the "Majors" and "Minors" sections of this Catalog. The Academic Procedures Directory, found at the UMW Provost’s web site, provides additional guidance on the steps one should take when seeking to execute a particular policy outlined in this section of the Catalog (how to go about submitting a Leave of Absence request, for example).

The Student Handbook, issued by the Office of Student Affairs, covers non-academic policies. The remainder of this section of the Catalog provides information on a number of important academic policies and procedures applying to all undergraduate students.