The M.Ed. Post Baccalaureate Initial Teacher Licensure Program is designed for adults who have earned a bachelor’s degree, may have some professional work experience, and want to obtain teaching credentials. Candidates work closely with their academic advisor to map out their individual course of study.
The primary goal of the program is to ensure that teacher candidates, through support, supervision, and evaluation, can demonstrate and apply the competencies enumerated in the Virginia Licensure Regulations and demonstrated by skillful teachers. The program requires the basic course work and field experiences prescribed by the Virginia Licensure Regulations for an initial teaching license but establishes, through advising, a personalized plan to ensure that all teaching and subject knowledge competencies are demonstrated and all standards are met.
The Initial Licensure program has three components: subject matter endorsement requirements, professional studies requirements, and M.Ed. completion requirements. Subject matter endorsement requirements are typically met prior to enrollment in the program. For example, someone who wishes to teach mathematics should have the equivalent of a mathematics major in course work or be prepared to make up the course work deficiencies. The one exception to this model is Special Education. Graduate-level course work is available as a part of the program to fulfill those endorsement requirements.
The internship (student teaching), required for all licensure completers in the Initial Licensure Program, is a semester long field-based teaching experience in the appropriate grade level or subject area. Self-analysis and reflection on planned and implemented instruction and frequent conferences with the mentor teacher and the university supervisor are prominent aspects of the experience. Because the internship must be a supervised experience, student teaching placements are made in schools local to the university. Students receiving financial aid should complete EDCI 550 M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship: Initial Licensure Internship prior to making an application for graduation. Students graduating upon completion of course work and then returning to enroll in EDCI 550 M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship will not be eligible for financial aid to cover the tuition for the internship.
There are six distinct post-baccalaureate pathways within the M.Ed. Initial Licensure Program. Program requirements for each pathway are described below, following the description of the admission, continuance, exit, and readmission policies (which apply to all programs).
- M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Elementary (PreK-6)
- M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Special Education General Curriculum (K-12)
- M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Special Education Adapted Curriculum (K-12)
- M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Secondary (6-12)
- M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: PreK—12
- M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Middle Grades (6-8)
The following requirements are necessary for admission to the Initial Licensure Program:
- A completed application;
- An undergraduate degree from a regionally-accredited college or university;
- Official transcripts of all undergraduate, and any graduate, course work completed;
- A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher on undergraduate course work;
- A résumé outlining experiences and education;
- Demonstrate endorsement/subject knowledge competence – by transcript review and evaluation. The student must be within the required number of credit hours of completing endorsement course work at the time of admission. The student, with approval of the Director of Advising Center Services, develops an individual educational plan indicating any endorsement course/competency deficiencies and the agreed upon means of fulfilling them;
- Passing scores on the VCLA must be submitted prior to admission to the graduate program; and
- Submission of essay.
Upon completion of 9 graduate program credits, students employed as a provisionally licensed teacher will be fully admitted to program after submitting a copy of the VDOE provisional license and have a 3.0 cumulative GPA on graduate course work in the program.
Post-Baccalaureate Provisional Admission
A student making application to one of the UMW M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathways who has satisfied all admission requirements with the exception of passing scores on the VCLA may be admitted provisionally to the degree program.
The student will be limited to three courses of UMW graduate education coursework. To be formally admitted, a student must earn a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA with a grade of C or higher in each course and passing scores for the VCLA.
A provisionally admitted student will receive a letter outlining requirements for continued enrollment. Upon submission of the passing score reports, the student may be formally admitted to the degree program.
Students who have not attended the University for three consecutive semesters (excluding summers) must apply for readmission. Students who are readmitted are subject to the degree requirements in effect at the time of readmission. When a student is readmitted, the four-year limit from time of first admission is still in effect. Academic work that was completed more than four years before the date when the teacher licensure program is completed may not be acceptable in satisfying the licensure requirements. If a student needs additional time to complete the course work, the student must apply in writing to the Office of the Dean for an extension. Such requests must be received at least one month prior to the end of the student’s original four-year time limit.
Note: Readmitted students may need to take further coursework before applying for the internship.
- Program Completion Requirements
- M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Elementary
- M.Ed.Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Special Education – General Curriculum K-12
- M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Special Education – Adapted Curriculum K-12
- M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Secondary
- M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: PreK-12
- M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Middle
- Transfer Courses
- Continuance Requirements
Program Completion Requirements
The student must:
- Complete all course work and field experiences with a cumulative 3.0 (B) GPA;
- Obtain passing scores on state-required Praxis Subject Assessment tests, the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (all programs), Child Abuse Recognition and Intervention Training, the Reading for Virginia Educators: Elementary and Special Education (if applicable), certification or training in emergency first aid, CPR and use of the automated external defibrillators, and the completion of of training modules as required by the Virginia Department of Education;
- Perform at an acceptable level in EDCI 550 M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship, as indicated by: mentor teacher and university supervisor evaluations, successful completion of an impact study, and a final grade of B- or higher. The internship (EDCI 550 M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship) must be completed within one year (fall or spring semester) after obtaining the degree. Students receiving financial aid should complete EDCI 550 M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship prior to making an application for graduation. Students graduating upon completion of course work and then returning to enroll in EDCI 550 M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship will not be eligible for financial aid to cover the tuition for the internship; and
- Complete all teacher licensure requirements as verified by College of Education Licensure Officers.
M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Elementary
Candidates for licensure in Elementary Education will complete coursework and field-based experiences in preparation for teaching in PreK- 6th grade settings. Candidates for licensure in this program must possess a bachelor’s degree with a major in the liberal arts. They must complete the professional studies course requirements listed below-or equivalent courses verified by a program advisor and demonstrate the competencies exhibited by skillful teachers and those required for Virginia licensure in both professional studies and content fields (English, mathematics, history/social science, arts/humanities and science).
Program Course Sequence
Code | Title | Credits |
EDCI 500 | Teaching and the Development of the Learner | 3 |
EDCI 506 | Foundations of American Education | 3 |
EDCI 507 | Early Literacy and Language Development 1 | 3 |
EDCI 509 | Intermediate Language and Literacy Development 1 | 3 |
EDCI 523 | Managing the Classroom Environment 1 | 3 |
EDCI 526 | Instructional Design and Assessment 1 | 3 |
EDCI 527 | Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDCI 530 | Mathematics Methods for the Elementary School | 3 |
EDCI 531 | Science Methods for the Elementary School | 3 |
EDCI 532 | Social Studies and Arts Integration for the Elementary School | 3 |
EDCI 550 | M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship | 6 |
EDSE 531 | Surv Spec Ed:Charctr Legl Issu | 3 |
EDCI 580 | Introduction to Research | 3 |
EDCI 590 | Individual Research | 3 |
Total Credits | 45 |
- 1
Field experiences are embedded.
M.Ed.Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Special Education – General Curriculum K-12
The Masters of Education program for initial licensure in Special Education: General Curriculum K-12 prepares teachers to work with students with learning disabilities, emotional disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders and autism spectrum disorders. Candidates must possess a bachelor’s degree and complete the professional studies and endorsement course requirements in the program and demonstrate the competencies exhibited by skillful teachers and those required for Virginia licensure in both professional studies and the endorsement area. Candidates must be proficient in all competencies to be recommended for licensure.
Program Course Sequence
Professional Studies Courses, Special Education: General Curriculum
The following professional studies courses, or their equivalents, are required of all candidates in the K-12 Special Education Program, General Curriculum:
Code | Title | Credits |
EDCI 500 | Teaching and the Development of the Learner | 3 |
EDCI 506 | Foundations of American Education | 3 |
EDCI 527 | Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDCI 507 | Early Literacy and Language Development 1 | 3 |
EDSE 521 | Language and Literacy for Special Populations 1 | 3 |
EDSE 533 | Positive Approaches to Behavior Management | 3 |
EDCI 526 | Instructional Design and Assessment | 3 |
EDSE 534 | Assessment, Evaluation, and Instructional Planning | 3 |
EDSE 589 | Applied Research in Special Education | 3 |
Total Credits | 27 |
- 1
Field experiences are embedded.
Endorsement Courses: Special Education General Curriculum
In addition to the professional studies course work outlined above, the following endorsement courses are required of all candidates seeking the Special Education General Curriculum endorsement:
Code | Title | Credits |
EDSE 531 | Surv Spec Ed:Charctr Legl Issu | 3 |
EDSE 515 | Individualized Education Program Planning & Transition Services | 3 |
EDSE 506 | Innovations in Special Education Technology | 1 |
EDSE 505 | Instruction in Mathematics for Students with Disabilities | 3 |
EDCI 550 | M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship | 6 |
Total Credits | 16 |
M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Special Education – Adapted Curriculum K-12
The Masters of Education program for initial licensure in Special Education: Adapted Curriculum K-12 prepares teachers to work with students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities and autism spectrum disorders.
Candidates must possess a bachelor’s degree and complete the professional studies and endorsement course requirements in the program and demonstrate the competencies exhibited by skillful teachers and those required for Virginia licensure in both professional studies and the endorsement area. Candidates must be proficient in all competencies to be recommended for licensure.
Program Course Sequence
Professional Studies Courses, Special Education; Adapted Curriculum
The following professional studies courses, or their equivalents, are required of all candidates in the K-12 Special Education Program, Adapted Curriculum:
Code | Title | Credits |
EDCI 500 | Teaching and the Development of the Learner | 3 |
EDCI 506 | Foundations of American Education | 3 |
EDCI 507 | Early Literacy and Language Development 1 | 3 |
EDCI 526 | Instructional Design and Assessment | 3 |
EDCI 527 | Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDSE 533 | Positive Approaches to Behavior Management | 3 |
EDSE 534 | Assessment, Evaluation, and Instructional Planning | 3 |
EDSE 521 | Language and Literacy for Special Populations | 3 |
EDSE 589 | Applied Research in Special Education | 3 |
Total Credits | 27 |
- 1
Field experiences are embedded.
Endorsement Courses
In addition to the professional studies course work outlined above, the following endorsement courses are required of all candidates seeking the Special Education Adapted Curriculum endorsement:
Code | Title | Credits |
EDSE 531 | Surv Spec Ed:Charctr Legl Issu | 3 |
EDSE 515 | Individualized Education Program Planning & Transition Services | 3 |
EDSE 539 | Characteristics of Students Accessing and Adapted Curriculum | 3 |
EDSE 541 | Goals and Practices for Students Accessing an Adapted Curriculum | 3 |
EDSE 506 | Innovations in Special Education Technology | 1 |
EDCI 550 | M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship | 6 |
Total Credits | 19 |
M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Secondary
Candidates for licensure in this program should possess a bachelor’s degree with a major in the liberal arts or sciences or the equivalent in training and experience. They must complete the professional studies course requirements listed below—or equivalent courses verified by a program advisor—and demonstrate the competencies exhibited by skillful teachers and those required for Virginia licensure in both professional studies and content areas (the equivalent of 21 credits in one of the following areas of concentration: English, mathematics, science, and history/social sciences). Candidates must be proficient in all competencies to be recommended for licensure.
Program Course Sequence
Code | Title | Credits |
EDCI 500 | Teaching and the Development of the Learner | 3 |
EDCI 506 | Foundations of American Education | 3 |
EDCI 515 | Literacy and Language Across the Curriculum 1 | 3 |
EDCI 523 | Managing the Classroom Environment 1 | 3 |
EDCI 526 | Instructional Design and Assessment 1 | 3 |
EDCI 527 | Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDSE 531 | Surv Spec Ed:Charctr Legl Issu | 3 |
EDCI 580 | Introduction to Research | 3 |
EDCI 590 | Individual Research | 3 |
EDCI 550 | M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship | 6 |
Select one of the following methods courses for the licensure area: | 3 | |
The Teaching of English and Theatre Arts 1 | ||
The Teaching of History and Social Sciences 1 | ||
The Teaching of Mathematics and Computer Science 1 | ||
The Teaching of Sciences 1 | ||
Total Credits | 36 |
- 1
Field experiences are embedded.
M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: PreK-12
Candidates for licensure in this program should possess a bachelor’s degree with a major, or the equivalent of a major in training and experience, in the endorsement sought, i.e., a major in art if they wish to teach visual arts. They must complete the professional studies course requirements listed below—or equivalent courses verified by a program advisor—and demonstrate the competencies exhibited by skillful teachers and those required for Virginia licensure in both professional studies and the endorsement subject area. Transcript review, Praxis Subject Assessment scores, and other forms of assessment may determine proficiency in these competencies. Candidates must be proficient in all competencies to be recommended for licensure.
Program Course Sequence
Code | Title | Credits |
EDCI 500 | Teaching and the Development of the Learner | 3 |
EDCI 506 | Foundations of American Education | 3 |
EDCI 515 | Literacy and Language Across the Curriculum 1 | 3 |
EDCI 523 | Managing the Classroom Environment 1 | 3 |
EDCI 526 | Instructional Design and Assessment 1 | 3 |
EDCI 527 | Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDSE 531 | Surv Spec Ed:Charctr Legl Issu | 3 |
EDCI 550 | M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship | 6 |
EDCI 580 | Introduction to Research | 3 |
EDCI 590 | Individual Research | 3 |
Select one of the following methods courses for the licensure area: | 3 | |
The Teaching of Foreign Language 1 | ||
The Teaching of Music 1 | ||
The Teaching of Visual Arts 1 | ||
Total Credits | 36 |
- 1
Field experiences are embedded.
M.Ed. Initial Licensure Post-Baccalaureate Pathway: Middle
Candidates for licensure in this program should possess a bachelor’s degree with a major in the liberal arts or sciences or the equivalent in training and experience. They must complete the professional studies course requirements listed below—or equivalent courses verified by a program advisor—and demonstrate the competencies exhibited by skillful teachers and those required for Virginia licensure in both professional studies and content areas (the equivalent of 21 credits in one of the following areas of concentration: English, mathematics, science, and history/social sciences). Transcript review, Praxis Subject Assessment scores, and other forms of assessment may determine proficiency in these competencies. Candidates must be proficient in all competencies to be recommended for licensure.
Program Course Sequence
Code | Title | Credits |
EDCI 500 | Teaching and the Development of the Learner | 3 |
EDCI 506 | Foundations of American Education | 3 |
EDCI 509 | Intermediate Language and Literacy Development 1 | 3 |
EDCI 515 | Literacy and Language Across the Curriculum 1 | 3 |
EDCI 523 | Managing the Classroom Environment 1 | 3 |
EDCI 526 | Instructional Design and Assessment 1 | 3 |
EDCI 527 | Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDSE 531 | Surv Spec Ed:Charctr Legl Issu | 3 |
EDCI 550 | M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship | 6 |
EDCI 580 | Introduction to Research | 3 |
EDCI 590 | Individual Research | 3 |
Select one of the following methods courses for the licensure area: | 3 | |
The Teaching of English and Theatre Arts 1 | ||
The Teaching of History and Social Sciences 1 | ||
The Teaching of Mathematics and Computer Science 1 | ||
The Teaching of Sciences 1 | ||
Total Credits | 39 |
- 1
Field experiences are embedded.
Transfer Courses
A maximum of nine graduate credits can be transferred into the M.Ed. program. To be accepted for transfer credit, courses must have been taken from a regionally accredited institution within the last six years with a minimum grade of B and must be equivalent to a course in the M.Ed. program pathway including any practicum experiences embedded in the course for which transfer credit will be approved. Transfer credit is not given for internship experiences. All transfer credit must be approved by the program director.
Continuance Requirements
To remain in the program, a student must:
- Maintain good academic standing with a minimum 3.0 (B) GPA and no more than one C (including C+, C, and C-) in course work, and by successfully completing all field experiences. A student must be in good standing for admission into EDCI 550 M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship (only applicable to initial licensure programs). A grade of D+ or lower in a course or C+ or lower in EDCI 550 M. Ed. Initial Licensure Internship results in dismissal from the program; and
- Demonstrate potential for teaching excellence as indicated by performance in course and field experience requirements and positive evaluations or indications of potential for growth by course instructors and mentor teachers in field experience work.
Note: Students who voluntarily interrupt their enrollment should refer to the policy defined under the Re-enrollment, Readmission, and Leave of Absence heading in the Academic Rules and Regulations section of the catalog.
College of Education Faculty
Peter S. Kelly, Dean
Jennifer D. Walker, Associate Dean for Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation
Teresa L. Coffman
Peter S. Kelly
Kyle T. Schultz
Associate Professors
Janine Schank Davis
Christy K. Irish
Jennifer D. Walker
Melissa S. Wells
Assistant Professors
Alexander S. Honold
Melissa C. Jenkins
Alexis A. Rutt
Danielle N. Springston
Rachel W. Bowman
Sean D. McDonald