EDUC 510  - The Inclusive Classroom  (4 Credits)  

This course focuses on instructional practices that general and special educators use to differentiate the curriculum and academic environment for learners with and without special needs. Specific attention is also given to learning the definitions, incidence, and characteristics of each special education exceptionality. Requires a BA/BS/BLS degree and completion of all undergraduate COE courses.

EDUC 511  - Inclusive Practices in Education  (3 Credits)  

This course focuses on inclusive instructional practices utilized by general and special educators to apply universal design for learning and differentiate the curriculum and academic environment for learners with and without specialized needs. Specific attention is given to learning strategies to support students receiving special education services.

EDUC 514  - Models of Instruction  (4 Credits)  

This course challenges students to delve deeply into theories of learning and development and their application to elementary teaching. Students are asked to think critically about how to use particular theories of learning and models of instruction, and their application to diverse learner needs.

EDUC 520  - Foundations of Educational Research  (3 Credits)  

This course explores research techniques and methodology. The emphasis is on understanding and conducting educational research for instructional improvement and professional development. It provides exposure to theoretical frameworks and research literature in a variety of methods. It also covers essentials of research project development.

EDUC 521  - Educational Research Methods  (2 Credits)  

Study of research techniques, and methodology as preparation to conduct classroom- based teacher research.

EDUC 522  - Arts Specialization  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite or corequisiste: EDUC 521. Study of advanced content area teaching methods and current research in arts education. Field experience required.

EDUC 523  - English Language Learners Specialization  (4 Credits)  

Prerequisite or corequisiste: EDUC 521. Study of advanced teaching methods and current research in teaching English Language Learners. Field experience required.

EDUC 524  - Instructional Technology Specialization  (4 Credits)  

Study of advanced content area teaching methods and current research in each specialization area. Taken concurrently with EDUC 521.

EDUC 525  - Literacy Specialization  (4 Credits)  

Study of advanced content area teaching methods and current research in each specialization area. Taken concurrently with EDUC 521.

EDUC 526  - Mathematics Specialization  (4 Credits)  

Study of advanced content area teaching methods and current research in each specialization area. Taken concurrently with EDUC 521.

EDUC 527  - Science Specialization  (4 Credits)  

Study of advanced content area teaching methods and current research in each specialization area. Taken concurrently with EDUC 521.

EDUC 528  - Social Studies Specialization  (4 Credits)  

Study of advanced content area teaching methods and current research in each specializaton area. Taken concurrently with EDUC 521.

EDUC 529  - Special Education Specialization  (4 Credits)  

Study of advanced content area teaching methods and current research in each specialization area. Taken concurrently with EDUC 521.

EDUC 530  - Masters Research  (3 Credits)  

Implementation of action research project in a classroom and final preparation of a research project.

EDUC 531  - Introduction to Action Research  (3 Credits)  

Prerequisite or Corequisite EDUC 521. This course introduces M.Ed. candidates to scholarly research and writing in the field of education. The emphasis is on understanding how to plan and conduct action research for instructional improvement and professional development. It builds on the content of EDUC 521 to utilize students' knowledge of theoretical and research literature and quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. It also covers essentials of research proposal development, including development of research question, an extensive review and synthesis of related literature, plan for collection and analysis of data, and use of APA style. Students conduct a literature review, draft a quality research proposal, and secure IRB approval from the university (and, if necessary, the school district where the research will occur) upon completion of the course. Students' proposals should be designed to be implemented in a future course, during EDUC 540.

EDUC 535  - Advanced Pedagogy  (3 Credits)  

Advanced study of theory, research and practice as it relates to planning, instruction, and assessment in the secondary and PreK-12 classroom.

EDUC 536  - Advanced Pedagogy Internship  (5 Credits)  

Construct and implement a mini unit for secondary students using constructivist principles, aligned instruction an assessment, and varied models of instruction. Analyze the effects and impact of one’s teaching practice on students. Link the theory of advanced pedagogy with prior courses with practice in internship. Field experience required.

EDUC 539  - Elementary Graduate Internship Seminar  (1 Credits)  

Students meet to discuss internship work and experiences, hear from guest speakers including public school personnel and graduates from the M.S. in Elementary Education program now working as teachers, review and update internship assignments and expectations, and develop portfolios.

EDUC 540  - Initial Licensure Internship  (12 Credits)  

Orientation to teaching under the direction of mentor teachers in the public schools.

EDUC 541  - Secondary and PreK-12 Graduate Internship Seminar  (1 Credits)  

Students meet to discuss internship work and experiences, hear from guest speakers including public school personnel and graduates.